Road recycling and site preparation

Professional track reclamation, road recycling and site preparation company

With 20 years of experience in road recycling and site preparation, we provide customers with a reliable, efficient and cost effective way of maintaining tracks and roads and preparing sites. 

Our specialist equipment means that we can recycle your existing material and effectively relay the area, often without importing new stone. We can also incorporate unwanted rubble or stone keeping costs down.

Our crushers are capable of breaking up the hardest of stone, including brick, rubble, concrete and granite.

From farm tracks, roads, carparks, country estates to building sites, you can rely on us for all your groundwork and track needs.

Recycle existing material to make a smooth unbound surface

why choose us

how it works

The finished product is a cambered, compacted roadway which is a cost effective answer to track maintenance. Here is how it all works

Crushing track maintenance and recycling


First we crush the existing material using a tractor mounted crusher. This breaks the existing material up to the correct size. We can then add new stone or re-use unwanted rubble if required.

Road grading


The next step is to grade the material, providing the required camber, draining and a smooth surface. Getting the right drainage is key to increasing the life and durability of the track.

Whacked plates for contracting


Finally, we compact the material with tractor mounted whacked plates. This gives structure and creates an even and unbound finish ready for use.

So get in touch for all road recycling and site preparation needs